Executive Committee
President: Marni Fullerton
Vice President: Astrid Kuhn
Vice President: Kathy Fedori
Treasurer: vacant
Secretary: Coralie Braum
Past President: Deborah_Osborne
Development Committee Chair: Diane Bennett
Board Members: LuAnne Morrow, Janna Gummo
International Representative: vacant
Board Member Biographies :
Deborah Osborne
From early years in theatre and opera stage management with companies such as The Shaw Festival, Stratford Festival and the Canadian Opera Company, Deborah�s transition to film and television production has included a wide range of creative, administration and production positions - from Coordinator, AD, Continuity, PM, Post Production Manager to Producer. Past clients include most of the major networks and distributors in North America and Europe on several award-winning productions. Television projects covered both live-to-air programming and productions such as �The Fiddle And The Drum� (Bravo), �The Secret of the Nutcracker� (CBC), �The Jim Henson Hour� (NBC), �Touch The Top of the World� and Nero Wolfe Mysteries (A&E), �One Kill� (CBS), �Crazy Canucks� (CTV), �Soul Food� (Paramount/Showtime), �Kung Fu: The Legend Continues� (Warner Bros.), �Shot Through the Heart� (HBO), and documentaries such as �The Battle for Baghdad�, �Hunting the Predators� and �Battle for the Arctic� for CBC�s The Doc Zone. Films include �Six Figures�, �Virginia�s Run�, �Republic of Love� and the Imax version of �Star Wars: Attack of the Clones�.
Deborah has written articles and designed and taught courses across Canada on the varied aspects of post production and the impact of new technologies and workflow from a Producer�s perspective. Past clients include: The Banff World Television Festival; the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television; The Banff Executive Leadership Program; AMPIA; FTX West; Canadian Women In Communication; Telefilm Canada; The Guild of Canadian Composers; Film Training Manitoba; The Banff Centre; Sheridan College; SAIT; NAIT; Red Deer College; and the Director�s Guild of Ontario. Deborah designed and taught graduate courses for the film and television program at Humber College, and a High Definition Training Lab for Aboriginal People�s Television network. In addition, Deborah was the Training and Education Facilitator of Professional Development for the Directors Guild of Ontario for several years. Her role was instrumental in the success of the HD Educational Seminars for Alberta Film and Television Professionals in 2006. She is a member of AMPIA, Directors Guild of Canada, The Academy of Canadian Film and Television and Canadian Women in Communication.
Several years as Post Production Risk Manger for a bond company has given Deborah a unique insight to the �big picture�, from a projects conception through to delivery. All of this, combined with growing up with the industry and its evolving technology has added to her skill set, a role Deborah enjoys the most � as an integrator: to incorporate on projects creative and technical expertise, to implement change, take risks, encourage teamwork and thus produce successful productions not only for the end user, but also for the crews and producing companies.
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Astrid Kuhn
Astrid Kuhn is one of those women who�s always loved tv production but pleased her parents and studied commerce instead. After running (in sneakers) her own corporation for 10 years, the tv bug bit her hard and she sold her music business to study Broadcast News at SAIT. Immediately she became Calgary�s Weather Girl� fashionably warning women of warm winds and pointing out perfect stiletto weather. She�s worked as reporter, weather anchor and TV Host for City TV, Shaw, CBC and now hangs her sandals at Global. Astrid�s been nominated for YWCA�s Woman of Distinction, AMFIA � Best Host and in 2007 just squeaked in as one of Calgary Inc.�s 40 Under 40.
But in 2006, the producer bug bit back even harder� and she took NAIT�s Producer Emergence Program with Trusty Treasurer Sherry Klimow � who enticed her to join WIFTA and the Board! Now Astrid dreams of not just working in front of the camera, but behind as well (maybe in Prada platforms). She�s tightening her laces and running with the bright idea to form a production company with a couple of guys� Lightbulb Media Inc.
Astrid promised her husband, of almost 20 years, that she�d mention she loves him and their 3 teen kids� followed closely by WIFTA
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Diane Bennett
Diane has been a member of Women in Film & Television - Alberta since 2004. She joined the Board in 2006 and served as VP, South in 2007-2008. Her extensive background includes Advertising, Broadcasting, Public Relations, Multimedia Design, Film and Television. Diane made her debut short film, Life Flow, in 2005 (Writer, Co-Director/Producer). The following year she completed the Producer Emergence Program, taught by Nancy Laing in Calgary. She was nominationed for two Alberta Film and Television Awards (Best Feature News Story & Best Narrator) in 2007. Currently, she is working on a number of concepts for television series. If you want to make suggestions for or assist with the slate of Professional Development programs and Special Events WIFT-A has planned for 2009/2010 - contact Diane via [email protected]
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Coralie Braum
Coralie has over 20 years management consulting experience. In addition, her professional background includes positions in industry as a marketing manager and as the director of human resources for a start up that through acquisitions became a major international oil & gas firm with over 5000 employees.
She is a certified change practitioner (MOC), and focuses on helping her clients achieve their objectives using creative ideas, complimented by an excellent research network and structured tools.
She has consulted in both unionized and non-unionized environments, and has worked across Canada and internationally in Cuba, South America and Southeast Asia. Her clients include organizations in many sectors, including all levels of government, professional service firms, non-profit organizations and operating companies.
Coralie also has seven years experience as a credit session instructor in entrepreneurship with the Bissett School of Business, Mount Royal College. Coralie has been a manager with a major international accounting and consulting firm, a partner in a successful regional consulting firm, and is currently the President & CEO of a human resources consulting firm based out of Calgary, with national and international affiliations. Coralie holds a BA in psychology and English from the University of Calgary, and has completed all of her coursework towards a Master�s degree. She has continually upgraded her skills with ongoing professional development and successfully completed projects. Coralie is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), and is actively involved in the Southern Alberta chapter of the Canadian Association of Management Consultants, the professional body governing the ethics, development and practice of management consultants across Canada. For five years she was the Director of Member Services. She piloted and conducts assessments of finalist candidates seeking professional certification as CMC�s. Additional board and senior level contributions include: 3 years on the District of Rockyview Municipal Planning Commission, Chair of the Canadian Red Cross Blood Services Committee and Advisory Board member for several successful small ventures.
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